Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Alice in Wonderland (2010)

Directed by Tim Burton / Written by Linda Woolverton (based on the books by Lewis Carroll)

I saw this movie in a cinema in 2D and don't really feel I've missed anything essential. I guess that one extra dimension doesn't matter so much after all, at least not in this case. This movie bored me. The combination of the wacky original consept and Tim Burton could have been so much more, but the script was way too dull to make this film the magical reincarnation it could've been. Acting wasn't at all bad, it was quite good actually, but the limpness of the film itself didn't bring out the individual performances as well as it should have. Costume design was very successful. I really enjoyed all that well executed eye candy since it was the least boring thing about this overhyped flop of a movie. I don't blame Burton, though, my finger is pointed at the producers (who there were, I noticed, quite a few).

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