Directed by Spike Jonze / Written by Spike Jonze and Dave Eggers (based on a book by Maurice Sendak)
I loved how this movie didn't follow the usual blockbuster drama pattern and instead tried to maintain some realism. If it would have followed the usual cycle of drama, Max would have magically found a way to make them all get along; Perhaps the very fact that he was an incompetent kid would have saved everyone from disaster? Luckily that's not how it went, as it would have screwed up the entire storyline. A little kid can't solve the social problems of a community, the members of which all behave like kids themselves - a kid can't be a parent. Games may cheer you up for a while but they won't fix anything.
That's all I want to analyze: The better the movie, the less I have to say about it. The imagery was beautiful and I loved the score. Gotta find that soundtrack somewhere.
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