Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Wolfman (2010)

Directed by Joe Johnson / Written by Andrew Kevin Walker and David Self

Note: The version I saw was the Director's cut, which is about 15 minutes longer than the theatrical version. I was a bit disappointed by The Wolfman. Based on the trailer I had been expecting a fresh renewal of the dusty old myth, and all I got was an extremely predictable story presented in frames I've seen numerous times before. Everything in this movie gave me the feeling of having seen it done already: The visual setting was very similar to the one in Sleeping Hollow; The score was as generic as any common thriller's (such a disappointment from Danny Elfman); Characters, dialogue, all plot points so tiringly mediocre. The movie did have its merits, though. Emily Blunt was truly convinsing in her character, which could have been done, and the likes of which have been done, sloppy and with plenty of overacting. I can't say as much for the other performances: The brilliant Benicio del Toro did not shine and neither did Anthony Hopkins, even though their laconic, uninspired interpretations of their characters did match as father and son. One of my favourite scenes was the part where Lawrence is taken into the mental institution, since it gives a glimpse of the medieval "healing" methods for mentally ill still used in the 20th century. The short yet captivating hallucination dream Lawrence has when in treatment was probably the most intriguing moment in this movie. A funny thing I noticed: As a werewolf Lawrence is shown attacking and slaughtering plenty of people, but none of them are female; Even when he attacks a bus full of screaming women, the couple of people he then is very graphically shown slaughter are men. Is this just a part of his characterization, being so noble at heart that he spares women even when he's an out-of-his-mind beast, or is this just another Hollywood taboo: tearing a man's guts out on screen is alright, but when done to a woman it's sacrilege? Is that what the western world sees as equality? PS. The werewolves looked like they were sent straight from the 1980's. <3 Like the silly make up they had thirty years ago, except now it was enhanced with some crappy CGI! Wow-wee!

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